You'll be shocked by the amount of deaths that have been caused on the roads due to poor drivers who have never been made aware of the character of their vehicle and its powers.
There is a selection of things a driver can do to ensure they are fulfilling good driving habits and here are just a few to get you started.
Pop on your seatbelt! Be sure to endeavour that your seat belt should be immediately locked in before you begin your journey because it will provide reinforcement for your neck and back if an accident does occur. You should be aware that as designated driver it falls on you to ensure that any passenger sitting in the car has belted in securely before you commence a long or short drive.
Look at the mirrors! Adjust the mirrors into the best place so that your vision is wide in every one of the available mirrors Cheap Nathan MacKinnon Shirt , including the wing and rear view, which will assist you in seeing vehicles approaching from behind. You'll find that the wing mirrors are indispensable when cruising down the busiest of motorways or even a twisty country lane so make sure that they are tilted in the right direction to make the most out of them and get you viewing as much road as you can.
Pop on some good shoes! Footwear that's mean to your feet, espadrilles or pointy boots are more often than not the wrong shoes for hefty driving sessions because they can cause minor foot injuries and can prevent you from pressing on the pedals successfully. Try wearing flatter shoes with a smaller heel or even trainers as they will help you in gaining full control of the vehicle and avoiding slips, which could cause swerving and accidents.
Stay aware! Look at everything and keep your hands on the wheel so that you can rapidly respond to the influx on any hazards. Check your mirrors consistently and listen for any sirens from the police or paramedic teams, which will result in you having to cut your speed down or even park up on the side of the nearest street.
Don't drin! Never drink alcohol and drive a car because it can impair the senses and make your reaction time increase significantly. Judging distances will become a serious problem and it will be difficult to keep control of the wheel so stay within the legal limits. Never take drugs or other illicit substances Cheap Matt Duchene Shirt , which are banned by the authorities.